Naruto No Air

Note: I know the video graphics are not the best. I’ve been fruitlessly searching for the software that is compatible with Windows Vista for Windows Movie Maker which I used to make this piece of work. If someone knows a way of perfecting the video graphics captured for WMM, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! On a happier note, I made this a little more sentimental than I intended too, but regardless I love it. It was going to at first be focused on the bond of brotherhood/ friendship/ and what other bonds fans want to image connect Sasuke and Naruto together. Of course for me, I’m a yaoi fan and I love Sasuke and Naruto as a pairing, but I put aside my yaoiness and made this video be about never-ending friendship and family. There are all kinds of people I put in here. When I began making this it was out of boredom and without effort, but then the video and images began to click with the song and I had to compel myself to finish it with effort. And well, now it’s done and I’m so happy, besides the kind of shitty video graphics that it turned out great.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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