My Friend The Doctor – Doctor Dolittle

Irecently looked for this soundtrack on YouTube but found that no one had added it. The only videos I saw were those which showed the original Doctor Dolittle musical with Rex Harrison and a video of HOGMANY playing I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It on the keyboard. In order to make up for the lack of the West End musical, I thought I’ll upload the soundtrack for your enjoyment. Lyrics (if any errors are spotted, please let me know): Matthew: And any man who understands the Irish, Can’t be reckoned altogether bad. The same way that a lunatic, Who’s Patron Saint is Patrick, Can’t be reckoned altogether mad. The Doctor’s very smart, He’s an Irish man at heart; His favourite colour, Sure, it must be green. And also hes a man Who, blimey, when he can Let me explain the sort of thing I mean. My friend the Doctor says the moon is made of apple pie And once a month it’s eaten by the sun. And that is why, up in the sky, You’ll find as every month goes by; Somebody in the sky is making another one. My friend the Doctor says the sun is made of cheddar cheese. The Doctor even knows the reason why. The facts are these, Try if you please, Pretend that you’re a lonely cheese, Wouldn’t you want to try finding an apple pie; Course you would! Maybe what the Doctor tells me Isn’t altogether true, But I love every tale he tells me. I don’t know any better ones, Do you? My friend the Doctor says the world is full of fantasy! And who are you or I to disagree? Let’s hope and pray, That is the

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