Movie review: ‘The Town’ one of best films of the year

Recovery 04
movie play scripts
Image by joseph beuys hat
Rehab worked. I left the big house in April 1996 & went into sheltered accommodation; a room in a house shared with two others. We got on with each other apart from those times when we didn’t. Some time in the future I knew I’d get back into gainful employment but until the future arrived I’d have a lark with being imaginatively gainful. I wrote—prose, poetry, movie scripts, articles, magazine biogs, plays. I began learning Dutch, took dance classes, joined a chess club, took up photography abandoned since 1964, made a new friend, began making meals out of stuff not out of a packet. Along came more affirmations, more visuals, self-hypnosis, meditation (various practices), running, cycling, hiking, camping. The Good Life lived with evangelical fury.

Movie review: ‘The Town’ one of best films of the year
As they’d say in Boston, “The Town” is a wicked pissah. It succeeds in its quest to appeal to everyone from townies to “toonies” in telling a familiar cops-and-robbers tale in remarkably inventive ways. What you take from it, though, is a new appreciation for Ben Affleck’s dexterity as a filmmaker and actor.
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