Monarch II (pt twelve)

Dear friends, Thank you for your patronage and patience. This channel began four years ago and now, nearly 300 videos later, things may be coming to fruition. The good people who are suffering terrible torture may at last be near to the end of their agony. I would like to ask for your help one more time to make sure these films see the light of day when the opening comes. My worst fear about youtube is probably the same as yours. I will wake up one day and my channel and all of my videos will be gone. The links to my websites will lead to a dead end. At the moment of opportunity no one will see the message of the targeted individuals, and see the truth in their faces, or hear the pain in their voices. I am asking for your help to try to avoid this fate. If my videos are spread out over 10 or 20 separate channels then there is a much better chance that the links to the seven websites will remain intact. So I am asking you, my subscribers, to copy several of these videos to your channel, and use the search term marsboy683 so I can find them and link them to my seven websites. I realize this may sound strange, but the strategy I am using is to spread out the online assets in the hope that at the moment of truth, some will evade being attacked and knocked down. Listed below are my personal websites. In place of the links to my own two channels, I hope to place your links of these same videos from 10-20 of you, my subscribers. I don’t know if this will work or not, but it is

Visit forlinks to sites with the hottest deals on studio equipment Another video added to the in da lab vault. Subscribe,comment & rate the vids please. Thanks for watching. THE PLATINUM-HIT PRODUCER MPC2500 has set the industry benchmark for beat production. It features a 32-voice drum sampler with up to 128MB RAM and extensive editing capabilities. Designed for professional music-production environments as well as DJs and other live performers, MPC2500 features a time-tested drum-pad surface, twin on-board effects processors, four Q-Link controllers for real-time control, 10 analog outputs, and a S/PDIF digital output. MPC2500 sports a 100000-note, 64-track sequencer that can be assigned to four different MIDI outputs for a total of 64 independently addressable MIDI channels. Internal sounds reside in flash memory and can easily be swapped out via Compact Flash cards, an optional hard drive, or an optional CD-ROM drive. A CF card with preloaded sounds is included to get you started. M-Audio (formerly Midiman), a business unit of Avid Technology, is a designer and importer of a variety of audio products, including digital audio workstation interfaces, keyboard MIDI controllers, condenser microphones, and studio monitors. The company has independent offices in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France and Japan. They manufacture primarily in China. After Avid purchased M-Audio, Digidesign and M-Audio cooperated to release a version of Pro Tools tailored

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