Minecraft World Edit Tutorial – Castle

Charlie walks through how to build a simple castle (design inspired by TangibleFish) using minecraft world edit. It’s pretty tricky, as there are a lot of commands and syntax but if you know each tool used well enough; it’s very simple. The way I re-skin the castle is I mask cobble (or whatever the walls are) and use a sphere brush to make it into a new material which isn’t the same as the ground (IF THEY ARE THE SAME YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RE-SKIN THE CASTLE ANYMORE). Then I mask the ground material and repeat. As you can see, I got a bit carried away at the end. SAVE DOWNLOAD: dl.dropbox.com Please comment with questions, comments, or suggestions for me. Or send me a msg. Also If you do not know how to change the config, or update World Edit: wait. I have a video explaining it made, I just need to upload it. As always, Rate, Comment, and Subscribe to Th3GamingGuys!

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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