Minecraft – server 6 spoutessemtials [1080HD]

Spout essentials + itemsound
Video Rating: 5 / 5

**- Please Read this -** This is a guide on how to make a cleaner wow interface. Its meant mainly for healers, but some may find it useful for their Tank/DPS characters aswell. The idea is to have everything centred around one area, with as few buttons as possible, to make it easier, more effective and cleaner to heal in both 10man and 25man raids. First step is to get these addons: www.curse.com you should get Curse Client, makes it a lot easier to manage and update addons! Prat Bartender 4 Bartender 4 dualspec Grid Grid clicksets Chincilla minimap Recount Recount – Heals and absorb Optional: Opie Atlasloot Auctionator Baudbag SpamMeNot The first time you log in, your screen wil be a huge mess, but dont fear just fullow what I’m doing. Macros: I’ve used a long time figuring out these macros, I wanted one button to do multiple things, instead of having one bar for dps and one bar for healing I wanted one wich did both. For example the Flash heal macro: If I dont have a target, it will heal myself. If I have a target and its friendly, it will heal him/her, but if I press alt and 2 (flash heal macro) I will heal myself wile still having the other player as target. If I select a foe, and press 2, it will cast Holy fire 🙂 Flash heal and Holy Fire: ——————————————— /cast [harm] Holy Fire /cast [modifier:alt, target=player] [help][target=targettarget,help] [target=focus,help][target=player]Flash heal /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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