Minecraft Enterprise NCC-1701-A walk around

You can get it with the texture pack here: www.planetminecraft.com Been busy with other things but I had a chance in the last few days to go back in and finish the ship. I threw together some custom skins to give it a more sci-fi look. I skipped a bunch of rooms because to hell with making a 20 minute long movie, you can see most of the other rooms in the other video, though many of them have been modified since. Unfortunately when I MCedit’ed it into a new map, I put the saucer deck in level with the clouds, so either I have to use a no cloud skin or set rendering to fast. Music is from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. The best star trek movie from the best crew. Fuck TNG seasons 1-2 + 7 / Voyager / Enterprise, bunch of garbage. The only show that was good all the way through was DS9

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