Minecraft Balloon Mod

A simple mod for Minecraft that adds a craftable hot air balloon. The player can ride the balloon and control the balloon’s height using the space bar. The balloon will always float in the current wind direction, which is random and changes slowly and randomly with time. UPDATE: This is a super quick mod that I put together just because I wanted to investigate the process of making a Minecraft mod. You can download it from www.supermoof.com if you have the know-how to get it to run, but bear in mind it is glitchy and incompatible with most other mods and 3rd party texture packs. Based on feedback, these are the things I want to change or add: – Remove the flame except in 3rd person view. – Add modloader support – Add some kind of fuel for the balloon – Fix a bunch of bugs (have the game save support balloons, fix collision issues, etc) Thanks for the feedback everyone!

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