Making video with mp3 playing and pic in background for youtube using windows movie maker. How can I do this?

Question by joe buck: Making video with mp3 playing and pic in background for youtube using windows movie maker. How can I do this?
I suck at most computer tasks. lol I want to put a song on youtube with a background pic of the artist. Sombody recommened Windows movie maker. I opened that bad boy up and messed around with no results. Any tips on how to make this work? Thanks.
You guys rock thanks!! I can finally work this thing.

Best answer:

Answer by –rooji–
ok this is simple. first you import your pictures and drag it to the actual storyboard. then, you click on import audio from the same sidebar and pick the music you want. after that, right on top of the storyboard is a little button that says show timeline. drag the music, in whatever order you want, onto the timeline. you can edit how long you want the music to play for using the red arrows. hope i helped!

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