making of hug

dbsg making of hug…love it when they dance…

♥ ♥ ❀ ♥ ♥ ❀ ♥ ♥ ❀ ♥ ♥ ❀ ♥ ♥ Read For Further Info ♥ ♥ ❀ ♥ ♥ ❀ ♥ ♥ ❀ ♥ ♥ ❀ ♥ ♥ What’s up Home Skillets! ***With dusting [the hair that you cut off] is so little that it resembles dust as opposed to long hairs/cut pieces. some will label a trim as 1/2″ or more while a dusting is less than a 1/4″ hair cut. (Thanks ~LHDC!). No matter how we try to fight it…or even how offended we get when we hear it…hair must be trimmed. This simple fact goes against every thought in our minds when it comes to hair growth. But the simple fact of the matter is no matter how careful we are or how often we keep our ends tucked up in protective styles, wear and tear will occur. Our hair is always growing, however when we hold on to our damaged ends our hair is actually breaking off as soon as it is growing, making it seem as if our hair isn’t growing at all. So that leaves us with 2 choices: 1. Continue to hold on to the damage and wish for the best 2. Just trim it off already and watch how it pays off in the long run In this tut I will share with you guys how I trim and “dust” my ends. Keep in mind that dusting is just as it sounds; simply dusting off a small portion of our ends whereas trimming is actually giving you a good old hair cut. It is recommended that you trim your hair every 6 weeks. But even I am a little on the stubborn side and I trim my hair every 3 months however I dust every 6 weeks in between hair cuts.
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