Making a woodgas stove

A tutorial on how to make a wood gasification stove. My version of the stove which works as well as any other I have tried can cost you as muchor little as you like. Mine cost £2.00 and took about half an hour to make. Enjoy
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Ok, some people don’t get it… I didn’t upload it from anywhere XD I AM THE PERSON WHO IS MAKING “Wedding DRESS” mini-movie (: btw. That’s my other accounts: with new MVs: with You’re Beautiful and Lady Castle MVs: with BBF and SoEulmates MVs: So I made ep, which title is Engagement I can’t call it by numbers because II think I will show whats was before too, so I just will be giving name of every ep and small numbers which will help U to find whats was when (: but this in the future (: …if I make anything more XD LOL XD I gave up alredy my 2 old mini-movies when my laptop was fixed …so so so …XD The part with singing was freaking hard to make because oryginally Jan Di sing slower song with less words than the one which I used 😛 so do please don’t write that the lips movement arent the best, because I know it (: but the more important was atmosphere… ..yep I know..I’m a freak when it comes to make the situation to be long XD whole engagement which I made is freaking long XD I’m strange (: ah! I wanted make this ep longer, but I know I can only upload around 10 min on youtube, so I must make it shorter…. at the end when Goo Joon Pyo is running with his future bride… there are 5 sek that didnt don’t know why, but I’m too much lazy to work about it and wait another 2 h from rendered…too much tired Oo Short Story Line? I think ther’s no need to write it, I tried to make this ep looks so clear as

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