Making a Terminator movie for my job…Need some help…?

Question by Nathan: Making a Terminator movie for my job…Need some help…?
My work told me to shoot a Terminator movie so want some help from u guys.
2 Q’s-
a) story idea – like wat do u guys wanna see
b)effects – wat terminator effects u like to see

Once my movie is done I will post it up in
Check it out. I will end up using ur idea…i will credit u
Thanx for your help

Best answer:

Answer by Jordan
a) you should post apocalyptic war type movie, many stories can be engineered from this.

b) effects You should try to have all your gun effects in order, as well as little makeup effects for terminators slightly ripped tissue and stuff. You should also include 3D models of skynet ships and tanks and stuff. Anything other than that is your call.

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