MAKING A SPIDER WEIGHT BY MANUEL Z (DO NOT ADD WWW.) I will demonstrate how simple it is to make a “repairable spider weight” using 4 nails, a block of wood copper wire and some scrap lead. Don’t go to a construction site and steal the wire! When electricians wire a new building, they leave longer wires in the boxes and when ready to wire the plugs and switches, these are the chunks they pull off and throw away. I usually just ask them if they have any scraps and thats how I get mine, In the video… those are chunks I got from a friend a couple years ago. Now the lead is the same thing, Ask a plumber for old scrap “LEAD” pipes or go to your favorite tire shop (Small shops work best for me) and see if they have any old tire weights they want to get rid of – a couple of hand fulls will make you several good weights. WARNING Do not put hot lead on anything wet – It will pop and send hot lead everywhere… Believe me I know! **Manuel Z** RATE MY VIDEO!!!!!

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