making a movie?

Question by Lorraine: making a movie?
Im 14 years old and I love writing screenplays and filming stuff. I just got my first actual cam corder for Christmas. I’m not sure the model but its a jvc with 30x optical zoom and a sliding LCD monitor. Anyway, I was curious at what would be a good film to practice with for my future references. Because i would much like to start a film project. By that I mean what type And i don’t nessisaraly mean witch genre i mean what kind. Animation (such as stop motion, good example is the nightmare before Christmas.) or just a normal film (not sure of ‘technical’ term) by writing a screenplay and a script and having actual actors in it (and by actors i of course mean friends, who happen to be in drama club at school) So to anyone who has made a short film or anything as such what do you suggest?
I’m well aware I’m young haha. I just want to make a low budget movie for myself and possibly a project for school. I have a very good editing software that I bought for around $ 500 so I’m set there

Best answer:

Answer by 90211
Well, u are still too young…to say the least(no offense… :).
But, just for your information: Adobe Premiere and Vegas Video are excellent software products to develop your own movies.
They are as well used in proffessional video editing in Hollywood.

Merry christmas sweetie

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