Looking for an old alien encounter movie?

Question by Gman: Looking for an old alien encounter movie?
Hello, I have seen a old alien encounter themed movie when I was a child, sadly I cannot remember nothing aside the last scene which remains in my memory till this day. Maybe someone knows the title. The movie itself was based on an alien appearance but with nothing happening and the president and his staff thinking about what decision to make and if the aliens are friendly or not. In the last scene they decide to launch a nuke and not wait for the scientist to decipher the message sent by the aliens. When the nuke is finally launched the message is deciphered and it went something like “Let us be your friends”. Everyone is shocked and regret the decision, the aliens repel the nuke and launch an attack, that’s how the movie ends… Pardon if this is a bit unclear, but my memory about this is very blurry.

Best answer:

Answer by Lorellyn
As far as getting a message and trying to decipher it, it sounds like Earth vs. The Flying Saucers

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