Little Shop of Horrors

Movie MEME – Week 3
movie about making a movie
Image by Jeff the Trojan
1. Contestant Ready?… Gummiator Ready?.. 3,2,1, 2. Sci-fi monster, 3. Edward Norton, 4. The Office: Jenna Fischer, 5. Benji in Doggles, 6. Spaceballs guy, 7. Blade I, 8. LEGO Indiana Jones (photo), 9. hot fuzz, 10. SR-71 shadowed by the spruce goose, 11. Being Kermit the Frog., 12. Keifer Sutherland

Created with fd’s flickr toys.

For the My Meme group! This week’s theme was movies:

1. Favorite movie? Gladiator (I like a billion movies a lot but I immediately thought of this one. One of my favorites)
2. Favorite movie genre? Sci-Fi
3. Favorite actor? Edward Norton (So many good ones to choose!)
4. Favorite actress? Jenna Fischer (This was a toughie for me because I couldn’t really think of a FAVORITE actress. I looked through my DVD collection and I really didn’t have a bunch of DVDs with the same actresses in them. So I picked Jenna Fischer since I love The Office and the whole Jim and Pam thing)
5. What movie always makes you cry? Benji (Specifically, Benji: The Hunted. Made me bawl as a little kid)
6. What movie have you watched over & over & over? Spaceballs
7. Worst move you ever saw? Blade (Probably not the WORST movie I’ve ever seen, but the first really bad movie that came to mind)
8. What was the last movie you watched? Indiana Jones
9. Favorite cult movie? Hot Fuzz
10. Most embarrassing favorite movie? D.A.R.Y.L. (I used to LOVE this movie when I was a kid)
11. Hottest actor or actress? Kermit the Frog (Can’t put in a guy because that would make my wife wonder about my heterosexuality, and can’t put in a woman because I’m married and thus do not notice if other women are attractive or not. The result? Kermit!)
12. The actor or actress most people say you remind them of? Keifer Sutherland

Little Shop of Horrors
Posted: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:27 pm | Updated: 5:59 pm, Tue Apr 26, 2011. Introducing Veeny (pronounced VEE-KNEE). Jaycob has been asking me for a Venus fly trap for as long as I can remember (literally years). I’m not sure why I’ve said no in the past, but last weekend I finally said yes.
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