Linux EasyCAP Tutorial

This is a comprehensive guide on how to start recording audio & video with Easycap DC60/DC60+ on Linux… This guide will run through: a) Downloading the linux-ported drivers for the device. b) Troubleshooting if the install fails (or inbox me, if you have a different error). c) Recording using Cheese, displaying using MPlayer and *below* a script to record using mencoder, Apologies for the sub-par video quality. I am using PiTiVi video editor, which usually works like a charm… but has been having problems lately. SCRIPTS: Mplayer – nosound ================ mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/easycap1:input=1:width=640:height=480:outfmt=yuy2:buffersize=1024:fps=25:norm=PAL:noaudio -vfm skiploopfilter=all tv:// To record this display, I’d recommend using Gtk-recordmydesktop, finding the “hw” number of the Capture Card, and typing that into the device tab, to make it record the Easycap Audio. I’d also recommend setting your webcam as the default input device in the System-Preferences-Sound tab, this way… you’ll be recording your in-game audio with Gtk… PLUS, webcam commentary with Sound Recorder! 😀 MPlayer – with sound ================= mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video1:input=1:width=640:height=480:outfmt=yuy2:alsa:adevice=plughw.1,0:buffersize=1024:fps=25:amode=2:audiorate=32000:forceaudio:immediatemode=0:norm=PAL -vfm skiploopfilter=all tv:// *NOTE* change the Plughw and Device accordingly (explained in video) To record this display, I’d recommend using

THis works 100% unlike tho other videos you will SEE! I have it all in one PLZ VOTE AND SUB AND COMMENT I HELP 100% a day Until you see the diff, and I help usen TEAM VIEWER FOR LIVE HELP 100% . “””””STEAM HAD A UPDATE THAT PATCH SV_FPS These are all tweaks that people have reported as working for them online, although none of them seem to work for everyone. Try them, see what happens, report your success in the Comments thread below. /cg_drawfps 1 A good one to enter first. This shows you your FPS count, making it more easier to tell when the various tweaks and console commands you try are actually having a consistent impact. /stoprecord Didn’t show any improvement on our test rig, but other people claim it helps with the stuttering. /com_maxfps 100 Locks the maximum FPS rate, hopefully making performance more consistent, if not faster. /snaps 30 /cl_maxpackets 100 /rate 3000 Determines how many updates are sent to the server. Any More? THIS IS TO SAVE YOUR PRIORITY SETTINGS 🙂 If you dont trust google it with ur anti virus or what ever way you check
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