Let the unbelievable be spoken chapter 4

here ya go ————————————————————————————- Jenny’s POV i looked at Kayla and Demi they were biting there nails brushing there hair with there fingers. They both had distant looks on there faces. ” A guy popped out from behind the door. ” We heard that Vicky, Jourdan, and Jenny have arrived can vicky please come with me?” the man said Vicky let go of my hand and walked slowly to the man. It was like tis was a horror movie, i was shaking. Me and Jourdan walked over to two chairs still hand in hand. i texted my dad saying we were here. I stared at the door waiting for vicky to come back. It felt like forever but finally she walked out with a look of terror on her face. “Can we have Jourdan?” Jourdan’s hand started shaking and it slipped out f my hand and was replaced with vicky’s. “How did it go?” i whispered. “I read the script and then they said nothing and said i could go sit back down i bet i did awful!” she said barely letting the words come out of her lips, that were white from pressing down on them so hard. Jourdan walked out with the same expression Vicky had. “Jenny please.” I slowly got up and went over to him. He shut the door behind us. He led me into a room where there were five people sitting there waiting for me. I walked in and said hi with a warm smile trying to be outgoing and nice. They handed me the smallest little paper ever that barely had any words on it.” So read Demi’s lines and we will read the
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