Leatherman Super Tool 300: HD Superhero

The Leatherman Super Tool 300 possesses an outstanding plier head. It is streamlined and tough with replaceable 154CM cutter teeth. It offers excellent capabilities in crimping, wire and nail cutting, bolt removal, and detail work. In many ways the ST 300 is built around this industry-leading plier head. But many other capabilities come along for the ride in this 10.2 oz heavy duty multi-tool (HD MT). As shown the Super Tool 300 contains 420HC main plain edge blade (adequate, prefer 154CM), 420HC serrated sheepsfoot blade (rescue capable), wood/metal file, saw, 8mm, 6mm, 3mm screwdriver blades, one Phillips long shank driver, awl with thread loop, 9 inch/22cm ruler, bottle/can opener, wire stripper, and lanyard ring. Improving over the also HD MT “Core,” the ST 300 dispenses with any Zytel handle integration and is 100% stainless steel with no weight added. Comfort is high is this tough MT: no sharp edges show themselves in various tool usage; an advantage over some other designs like the SwissTool RS. Tool extraction uses the clumping methodology which same will hate, some will like. Lockup is tight and sure on all tools and the lock button is large and easy to actuate. Large cutouts in the handle permit glove usage. Fit and finish are excellent in the examples shown and Leatherman avoids the high polish finish on the tool and its implements. This may provide better traction on fasteners but may lessen rust resistance in high moisture/salt environs. The blackened Super

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