Learning to Breathe

Tsubasa – RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE amv I freaking hate Windows Movie Maker, but I hadn’t done any video editing in a long time, and seeing how that is one of my passions, I put up with the crappy software. Yay Anime Music Videos. I really like this song. I hope you like the vid.
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ok so basically i got sony vegas (finally! no more windows movie maker!!! :D)and i was playing around with it and this is the result. the only way to learn is to play around with new software after all. i found out alot of things i’m really happy with the way i did the ending it went boom boom boom boom! i encourage thee to watch in high quality! hey that sorta rhymed… add &fmt=18 to the end of the url and be amazed. www.youtube.com nope i dont own meikyuu butterfly or shugo chara but if i did i would be rich
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