League of Legends Breakdown – Crazy Karthus PENTAKILL!!!

Make sure to send in your League of Legends clips to CapturedHDlolreplay@hotmail.com. make sure to include your lolreplay file located under “Documents” – “LoLReplay” – “Replays” please also include a short description on what the play is plus the time the gameplay starts and include a link to your YouTube channel. Clip by: www.youtube.com Do you not have LoLreplay? well download it HERE:www.leaguereplays.com like and FAV 🙂 (Comment too, I read all of them) Subscribe & Join The Storm HERE: bit.ly Like my Facebook: on.fb.me Twitter: bit.ly SIGN UP FOR LoL HERE! signup.leagueoflegends.com Video’s you may have missed: Ezreal PulseFire Skin: www.youtube.com Draven abilities overview: www.youtube.com

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