LBP2 beta – Stereo/mono level playthrough + creation time lapse

The NDA on the LBP2 beta has finally been lifted and we can now post as many LBP2 videos as we like! I was lucky enough to get selected for the beta (don’t ask me how), so I’ll be uploading quite a bit of gameplay over the next few days. The first proper level I made, using the new tools was one where I wanted to mix a montage into a platformer (if that makes sense), and this is what I got out of it. It turned out to be quite popular, since it got Mm picked (or whatever it’s called) and is, at the time of writing this, the most hearted level of all in the beta. Audial Visuals, which we posted a few hours ago, has been steadily gaining on this level in terms of hearts, and should take the lead pretty soon though. Anyways, the level itself took 15 hours and 36 minutes to create. I didn’t do it all in one sitting, don’t worry, but it still occupied me for quite some time. Also, the first song in the time lapse is an actual song which one of my friends made (and I lengthened), that I recreated in the LBP2 music sequencer, which is actually pretty damn good! Here’s a link to the original song: The second song is one that should be pretty familiar to most LBP fans (I wasn’t really a fan, but I still liked the song). Anyways, enough of my crazy hobo ramblings. Enjoy!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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