Knightlite Test Maker 5.0 – Multiple Choice Test Generating Software For Windows And Mac OSX

With Knightlite TestMaker 5.0, creating a multiple choice test that can be printed out has never been easier. Originally created for Whiteman Air Force Base, TestMaker is a reasonably priced, powerful tool for teachers, instructors and students. It can be used both as a teaching tool and as a study tool. Tons of features in an easy to navigate interface. Knightlite TestMaker 5.0 allows the user to create an unlimited number of multiple choice tests with an unlimited number of questions. Tests can be taken on-screen or printed out in a variety of ways. The software is easy to learn. Knightlite provides a large library of video tutorials to help you quickly learn to use all the features in this software app. Click link below – Features: • Create an unlimited number of topics, with an unlimited number of questions • Create a terminology library and create terminology tests. • Add images, photos, and QuickTime (TM) videos to any question. • Built-in spell checker, with check-as-you-type spell checking. • New Teach Mode – Gives you information and rationale behind the question. • Page references to the IFSTA text. • Software can read questions out loud to you. • Automatically saves your last session. • Keeps track of the questions you incorrectly answer. • Allows you to clone sessions, so you can return to where you left off later. • Save multiple sessions. • Print tests out in a variety of ways, including answer sheets and correction keys. • Print flash cards

This lesson shows the second solo; the solo right before the melody section. Next lesson will cover the melody. This section proves a bit difficult even for me because of the sweeps. Check an unlisted video here if you can’t get the sweeps right away, and/or you want do something different. Announcing!! The new and improved lesson series! Slower – and the notes are called out. I will show the solo that comes right before the melody. I hope you enjoy this series. This is aimed towards beginners. If you are a beginner and wanting to learn Canon Rock, I was once in your shoes. I couldn’t play Canon Rock at all. At times, I almost gave up on this song. But don’t give up, it is hard song and needs patience and plenty of practice. I, myself, have not even mastered the song to sound like Funtwo or Mattrach, or any of the other amazing Canon Shredders. I used the highest quality I have for my camera, so you are getting the best I can provide. I used my new Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0 software I recently bought. It works wonders! It’s so much better for lesson making than Windows Movie Maker. I recommend that you look at these lessons below on GuitarMasterClass. I am a member there and love it! Most of the ideas I got for this lesson series came from the first video, as did my other older lesson vids for Canon. Canon Rock – Funtwo & Jerry C style Shredding the Canon in D Canon – Fusion Shred www
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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