Karen Gantz Zahler – Air date: 06-12-07

Karen Gantz Zahler attended Vassar College and is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the Cardozo Law School. She is a literary property lawyer and literary agent. She has written two well-received cookbooks, Taste of New York (Addison-Wesley 1993) and Superchefs (John Wiley & Sons 1996). She also participated in a Presidential Advisory Committee on Intellectual Property, US Department of Commerce. She has been an active board member of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee since 1989. She and her husband, through the National Foundation of Jewish Culture, on whose board she sits, give grants to authors whose books are being published and have Jewish content. She is Chairman of the Great Books Program Club. She also sits on the Board of Trustees of the Literary and Media Committee where best-selling authors are invited to speak. Karen Gantz Zahler practiced law in the field of intellectual property. Individuals requested that she read their manuscripts and movie scripts and she found that most satisfying. Her specialty is negotiating contracts both as a lawyer and literary agent. Karen’s favorite talk shows are the McLaughlin Report, Tim Russert, Nightline and The Today Show. Her favorite books are The Quiet American, The Human Stain and Anna Karenina and her favorite movies are Pearl Harbor, To Kill A Mockingbird, Roman Holiday, The King and I, Hamlet, and Gigi.
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