Japanese Tamagotchi Movie Digest (Movie Clips!)

Here is a SPECTACULAR overview of the events that occur in the Tamagotchi motion picture, “Eiga de Tōjō! Tamagotchi Doki Doki! Uchū no Maigotchi!?”, in English, “Appearing on film! Tamagotchi – Lost Child in Space!?”. This is mostly a collection of clips, mainly of important events of the movie. Tanpopo narrates, telling about the film’s events. Swimmingchao, another YouTube member, promised to translate this as soon as he can. 🙂 For now, here’s a summary of the movie I wrote, much thanks to TamaTalk user Joepet for providing the information needed. ^_^ “Tanpopo is a young girl who is about to become an older sister, and is worried if she can handle such a responsibility. One day, when Tanpopo is about to deliver an item to her mother, a strange light appears in the sky… “On Tamagotchi Planet, Mametchi, who is also expecting a younger sibling soon, is trying out his brand new invention, the ‘Forwarding Machine’. Memetchi and Kuchipatchi come over to watch, but due to Kuchipatchi biting into a toy hamburger, and the crazy events that follow, the machine’s aim is set off course, and fires at Earth. Tanpopo, the human girl, suddenly appears in Mametchi’s room. “Tanpopo is estatic to meet her favorite Tamagotchi characters, but worries about getting home. Luckily, Mametchi’s parents agree to build a rocket to return her to Earth, as well as a special key to return her to the exact moment in time that she left. Tampopo, now eager of her stay on Tamagotchi Planet, gets a

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