Is the porno movie studio “Pink Visuals” building a bunker a sign of the “last days”?

Question by jotun_hertigen: Is the porno movie studio “Pink Visuals” building a bunker a sign of the “last days”?
“Pink Visual” studio is ensuring that they will be able to continue making their porno sex movies after the collapse of society.
This is a sure sign of the “last days” (LOL).
“Our goal is nothing less than to survive the apocalypse to come in comfort and luxury,” said Pink Visual spokesman Quentin Boyer, “whether that catastrophe takes the form of fireballs flung earthward by an all-seeing deity, extended torrential rainfall, Biblical rapture, an earthquake-driven mega-tsunami, radioactive flesh-eating zombies, or some combination of the above.”

LA Porn Studio Begins Construction On ‘Post-Apocalyptic’ Underground Bunker

Best answer:

Answer by Yaks Eat Cereal (REAL)
are they collection 2 pairs of every animal?

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