Is art overall dead? If so who is to blame?

Question by fhilopino: Is art overall dead? If so who is to blame?
People complaining that music, movie, painting etc is dead….they seem to be right. First of all I am a hip hop fan and I think good rap is gone since Eminem semi-retired in early 2000 (his comeback songs aren’t good) and when Tupac died. You won’t hear any profound good message today in many raps except to imply to have s.e.x with big bootied bit*hes. I agree that pre-2000 music was much better. In terms of films- well based on my previous thread (if anyone remmbers) I don’t have to restate my complain. Some movies are CGI-saturated and I don’t even have a word to describe how awful looking such movies are. I know movies are entertainment but there is no need to stoop that low. Even comedy (which I believe is an art in its own right) is a victim itself. Jokes today are sexual, fine if you hear it the first time and they are funny but when you keep hearing it you want to vomit. Worse is the awkwardness when you are watching with a family member. What happened to more intelligent films like Tootsie? Sexual jokes are not as funny as a clever joke.

As for the painters and sculpturing artists. Here is an interesting point of view: I’m not a fan of painting and sculptures but I feel for these struggling artists. There are so many artists who want recognition but it is the lazy ”did not do any meaningful things” celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton who get the spotlight. Justin Bieber, who couldn’t hit puberty, is famous just because of his good-looks and not of his singing. There is obviously someone better than Bieber but are they famous? No, because their serious art cannot make a girl scream (no pun intended).

So, it makes me think. Is art in general dead? I do not know since art is defined individually so it is up to you. Some may think it is declining. But is art being shat on? Everyone thinks that is the case. So who is to blame? You may argue that it is the infamous and dreaded corporations. I was reading a newspaper article, also complaining like myself, that potentially good filmmakers are not given a chance because producers are reluctant to fund them, afraid that the movie may flop. I cannot blame the producers completely, everyone has to make a living. Though they also must keep in mind that filmmaking is an art itself. Do not intefere with a filmmaker’s vision. These ‘businessmen’ should know that since free market says ‘leave business to business’. Apply that philosophy to art itself. Hollywood today is interested in quick money making. Colin Firth was right that ‘movie goers shouldn’t be treated idiots’.

Realistically speaking however, anyone must make a living. Some good movies flop, good albums don’t sell and paintings are not appreciated for a simple phenomena called ‘society’. Like I said, people like Justin Bieber are famous even though he can’t sing. Why? Because he is good looking. We know he is bad but it is a guilty pleasure to listen to him. Movies are watched simply because of the explosions and paintings and sculptures are not appreciated because they’re – that. No one really knows what society wants. It’s a go with the flow. So I am guessing that Hollywood and the music industry isn’t solely to be blamed. They have no choice but to throw everything just to make a quick money.

So overall do you think art is dead? Who is to blame for it. Greedy corporation or the moronic society?
I said recognition not fame. fame is different to recognition.

Best answer:

Answer by Mad God
no it’s not. I hate it when people say that. Maybe the rap you enjoy is dying but other forms of music are thriving, electronica etc.
Music has constantly changed throughout time, it’s not ‘dead’.
I have to agree many movies are kind of shitty now, but they’re still some great ones. You only see alot of shitty ones now because many people make cheap, mass-produced movies nowadays.

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