I’m trying to remember the name of a movie that makes parallels to the Monsanto corporation.?

Question by Tabatam: I’m trying to remember the name of a movie that makes parallels to the Monsanto corporation.?
I saw this movie a good while ago and can’t remember what it’s called.

I know it’s about a lawyer who’s good at ‘cleaning things up’ and works for a big law firm. One of the most important lawyer there ‘goes crazy’ because he realizes that the corporation they’re working for (similar to the real world’s monsanto) is damaging the environment or health of people… something like that. He has information that could expose the corporation and they eventually do kill him, making it look like a suicide. The main character is investigating this and realizes what’s going on… I remember a scene where they blow up his car and he was saved because he stepped out to look at horses or something.

Can anyone give me the title?
I just remembered, it’s called Michael Clayton. thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Shauna M
I looked around and couldn’t come up with anything. You can go to http://www.imdb.com/ and search by the plot.
Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

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