I’m going to be a failure. Anyone else agree?

Question by The Cool: I’m going to be a failure. Anyone else agree?
I’m 16 years old. I go to an all male school. I don’t keep in contact with any girls. More about that later. I’m a senior. I’m also finished.

I have come to the realization that I am screwed when it comes to college and my adult life.

Here is my schedule. I have 3 free periods. I have 6 classes. There are 9 periods in the day, each lasting 40 minutes. My schedule is: Biotechnology/Forensic Science(Standard Course), Ethical Decisions(Standard Course), Film Study(Elective), AP Government and Politics(Elective), Introduction to Literary Criticism(Standard), and Precalculus(Standard).

Do you know what this means? I have 6 classes. One is a RELIGION course, and the other is a FILM STUDY course. This looks like a schedule for someone whose either a slacker or a dummy. When the colleges I’m applying to see this, they’re probably going to throw my application out the window. I only have 1 AP class. How am I going to stand against people who have 2, 3, 4, even 5 AP classes? The majority of my classes are standard. One is even Film Study where you watch movies all day and write criticisms of them.

I messed up my high school year. Sophomore year I had some pretty good grades, in the beginning. Junior year was a giant train wreck. I failed my 1st Semester Math Exam in January and I barely passed Physics and Math with a C…. What will the colleges think when they see this?

My GPA is about…. 2.9 give or take since last year. 2.9… Hah. I’m so stupid I surprise myself too. The thing is, I don’t even smoke weed, which makes you stupid. I’m pretty sure even people who smoke weed have a higher GPA than I.

I have had no contact with females since middle school. I have not had sex, have not gone on a date, or even come close to kissing a girl. Shit, I’ll be dammed if I’ve even held hands with one. Know what that means? No wifey! Yay. I’m gonna be a phailure!

I want to do Graphic Design in college. However, I have no portofolio. I’m not even sending one in because they would look horrendous. I really like Graphic Design, but I’m certainly not the best at drawing. I’m screwed.

How can I compete? It’s over. I’m finished. Stick a fork in me, I’m done. I let my parents down. All that money they spent of me; wasted. I know I’m probably letting them down anyway. My parents have little money as it is and they’re wasting it on me? What the fuck?

I made a homeless failure emergency kit, so when I stop living with my parents I can have some provisions for at least a little while.

I just want to die or something. I’m not killing myself, no way. I just want to get shot or die. Just disappear from this world and go to oblivion. It will be better off without me anyway.

I’m so frustrated. Nothing’s going right for me. If you only knew. Fate deals a cruel deck.

Don’t tell me I need Prozac or any antidepressants. That seems like it’s the only answer people give these days. That’s all America seems to be on. Prozac. No wonder people are so “happy”. They’re too fucked up on pills to see the reality of life. There’s nothing happy about it, just a long winding road of sadness.

Best answer:

Answer by meagain
Dude, you get all that stuff from college, not high school. You may need to start with a community college (look on the bright side, less loans!) but if you get off your butt and stop feelign sorry for yourself enough to give it a go, you’ll be fine.

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