If you had the opportunity to make a movie what movie would you make?

Question by My Avatar Is Beautiful: If you had the opportunity to make a movie what movie would you make?
If you won a movie making lottery, all expenses paid, with any cast and crew you wanted with all the time in the world, what movie would you like to make?
A remake?
Your own idea?
A comic/cartoon/book based movie?
True Story/actual events inspired?

I really want to make a film about Ancient Egypt with a lot of facts, a little sci-fi that’s really raw and beautiful at the same time, kinda like how 1997 Titanic was done, but better of course.
I wouldn’t mind writing a star wars type film, god knows no one else is.
Yeah screw CGI, I’m bringing the 80’s gore, puppets, and stop-motion animation back.
Homer, Have you ever seen 2001 A Space Odyssey? That was made in the 60’s, the movie was done without cgi and they only mostly used
Front Screen Projection, it can be done.

Best answer:

Answer by Nick
Howard the Duck 2!

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