If a group of men can’t be trusted to make simple decision well, (e.g. what movie to rent?)…?

Question by devlsadvoct: If a group of men can’t be trusted to make simple decision well, (e.g. what movie to rent?)…?
How can you believe in a literal, inerrant bible?


Since the bible was create by a democratic process of men voting on various writings…
And it was nearly universal that people think that democratic processes conducted by man are fallible…

Doesn’t it logically imply that the bible must be fallible?

what if the book of “Corinthians” was included by mistake?
what if the Gospel According to Bubba, or the First Letter of Maggie to her Sorority, were really the word of god, but got voted out?

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny Bravo
The gospels (I don’t know about Bubba…LOL) that were not included in the Canonized Bible are still available for purchase and reading. I believe someone has just put them all together in a book too.

There isn’t anything stopping you from reading them or following the teachings in them. The canonized Bible is just said to have the most pertinent information from all of the scrolls and texts.

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