I want to start making mini-movies with my camera. But I don’t no what to film? Heh … Help?

Question by Lightgod77: I want to start making mini-movies with my camera. But I don’t no what to film? Heh … Help?
Well, my friends and I have accounts on Youtube. My friends either have videos on there, or have attempted putting one on. I have no idea what to film…I have a movie editor so that could help. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by mande95747
Ahhh, the age old question!

This is where all the techno-gadgets mean very little.
It’s called story-telling.

Learn how to write scripts. Start with short stories.
Spend time with just you, and a notepad, coming up with story ideas. Jot them down, and pick the best few to write short scripts to.
Then pick the best one of those, and shoot it!

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