How to Stay Focused on Success When Everything Around You is Screaming Failure


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he cried. Two weeks later he was watching a boxing match between Mohammad Ali and this unknown guy named Wepner. This unknown was being beaten to a pulp but yet he just kept on coming. He just kept getting back up no matter how many times he got knocked down. That event is what inspired Sly to write the story of “Rocky”.

He got so motivated that he wrote the entire script in 20 hours strait without sleep. He took it around because he finally thought he had a winner. Well, nobody agreed with him. They all thought it was stupid, it was predictable, no one would want to see another “boxing movie.” he was told. He didn’t give up though. He finally found some people that actually liked it. In fact they loved it and they offered Sly 5,000 dollars for the script. Sly said ok, but on one condition. That he would be able to star in the lead role. Well, that kinda

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