How to make video for youtube?

Question by Crush: How to make video for youtube?
I found some videos on youtube to be surprisingly great, I tried to do the same thing on windows movie maker but I couldn’t. I’m not talking about flash movies or that kind of stuff, and I’m not trying to make professional movies. I’m looking for something medium and easy to use. I wonder if there’s any software out there which suites my needs.

Best answer:

Answer by Tina
You can make videos by windows movie maker and the videos will be wmv format. However youtube supports flv format, so you may need a video converter to convert your wmv video to flv format for YouTube. Now I find a converter here

This converter can convert different video files to youtube, such as converting wmv, mpg, mp4, mkv, mov, etc. to YouTube flv format. Besides, it can edit videos by cropping image size, trimming clips, etc.
Hopefully it can help you better.

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