How to make money from a video game made with Unity 3D?

Question by dalex2093: How to make money from a video game made with Unity 3D?

I would like to create a video game with 2 other friends using the Unity Engine. It will be about zombies attacking a school and the kids try to defend it. I might create a standalone game or browser. I’m not sure. Is there a way that I make money from this game by advertising or selling or another way? I have to mention that I am familiar with modeling, and I’ve got the scripts I need.

By the way, I’m not that much into making Iphone games. This games should be for PC or Mac eventually.

Best answer:

Answer by Eden
How To Make an iPhone Game: Day 3 | Phoxware
Even though Unity is a 3D tool there are some 2D games made in Unity. … Evan: Also, you can stream video from a webdav server wi…

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