How to Make a Guy Like You – Disney Princess Style

How to Make a Guy Like You – Disney Princess Style TOP SECRET This information, until now, has been disclosed to the public. I can now finally let out the disney princess secret to making their prince fall for them. This will tell you just how to make a guy like you, and possibly even fall in love! Don’t miss out on this once in a life time opportunity! Click on the icon already!! How to make a guy like you. How to make a guy love you. How to make a guy fall in love with you. How to make a guy want you. How to show a guy you like him. Also, incased you hadn’t guessed, this is a disney princess spoof. It’s making funny of how disney princess’s get their men. I completely disagree with all of their methods and all of these steps, so please don’t take them literally. These steps are here for your enjoyment and entertainment only. Try them at your own risk. Update: Check it out. I made this over a year ago, before “The Princess and the Frog,” Disney’s newest princess movie (which I saw today and thought was AWESOME), was even heard of. Now, notice I listed “getting turned into a frog” as a side effect? Coincidence? I think not! Honestly, who else could possibly think of such brilliance? Exactly. No one. So, Disney, I would gladly accept a donation. Or a thank you card. 🙂 Yeah, but seriously, isn’t that pretty cool? I know they say it’s based losely off of ED Baker’s novel “The Frog Princess,” but hey, a girl can dream, right? Also, please, stop with the spam. I’d like to
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