How many of you have slumber parties of camp-outs with your kids?

Question by ♥They call me mom♥: How many of you have slumber parties of camp-outs with your kids?
Every couple of weeks, my daughters and I will set up a tent in our living room and have a “camp-out.” I’ll make smores and hotdogs to eat and tell them stories. We also have sleepovers. For our sleepovers, we pull some sleeping bags into the living room, order pizza, bake cookies and watch a movie together. My kids are only 1 1/2 and 2 1/2. Their dad thinks it weird because we do this at home. I think it’s fun for them. I remember my mom doing things like this when I was younger. How many of you do silly things like this for your kids?

Best answer:

Answer by Colleen O
My daughter and I used to do so at least twice a month when she was growing up. I was also a whiz at running through the sprinklers. Now that she is 21 years we don’t do the “slumber party” thing.

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