How gorey is the hunger games movie?

Question by : How gorey is the hunger games movie?
I read the books and they were fairly gorey.
Dont get me wrong i love them but being in a theatre full of people makes me anxious enough and seeing gore can really freak me out sometimes.
So can someone tell me all the gorey, even slightly gorey things that happen in the movie? Especially if there are any hospital scenes, involving surgery or shots, i dont remember anything like that in the books but you never know.

thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by LostChickun
I went to watch it yesterday with a group of friends. I normally am terrible with gory movies, but it’s not too bad. Near the start, when they have flashbacks about the games, there are people gruesomely stabbing out other people, and it’s pretty bad. Also, when those giant freakish wolf things attack that guy near the end, it is detailed and gory, and I’m ashamed to say I had to shut my eyes at that part.
There were lots of people that felt the same way as me, though, and it’s pretty easy to sense when a gory bit is coming up. Just a hint: whenever someone is getting attacked by bees, wolves, or any other animal, do what half my cinema did and shut your eyes. If you have a weak stomach, be careful.
Its a good movie though, despite all that!

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