How do I make a nightcrawler (movie version) costume?

Question by Alex: How do I make a nightcrawler (movie version) costume?
I have decided to go all out for this Halloween and I want to make a Nightcrawler costume. I have no idea where to start and I want to make this as realistic as possible. If you are a professional costume designer and can give me some steps to make this, it would be very helpful. I migt look for a costume designer to hire for this, but I’m still not sure. I would prefer some instructions on how to make this a great costume.
Thanks Erica fr those helpful hints. Do you have any suggestions for the tail and hands. If you did i t would also be a huge help.

Best answer:

Answer by Erica
I do professional body painting, so I would suggest you first decide how you’re going to get your skin that perfect shade of gray. Personally, I would say that you’ll need some black and white face paint and just play around with it ’till you get the correct mix. That kind of make-up is very forgiving and easy to work with.

The rest you can simply piece together from ready made clothes, just like Nightcrawler does. Find a nice dark trench coat and spatter it with a high gloss black paint.

Striped pajama pants in red and orange with make up the perfect bottoms for you outfit.

A leather vest topped with a dark scarf will be the top of your costume.

Use hair gel to gel your hair into a spiky, messy array. Paint your finger nails with yellow polish.

Have fun with your costume and have a great Halloween!

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