How do I get hired to write scripts?

Question by Jables: How do I get hired to write scripts?
I am about to finish college with a double major in creative writing and literary studies, so I am not just a guy trying to break into the industry. However, I have no idea how someone applies to a motion picture company to write scripts for any kind. I’m sure they get tons of junk mail so to be taken seriously is my concern. Let them see my credentials.

Best answer:

Answer by Milise
I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure the way to go is actually write a script, or scripts, and submit them to one or more companies.. Over time, you’ll get know if they see your name pop up over and over again. I think they base their first impression on a short summary of the story line before actually read through the entire script (quite time-taking when there are 100 scripts waiting on your desk!)

Hope that helps. I am however not a proffessional but I think that’s something like how it might work?

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