Horror Movie 101 List?

Question by mapetite26: Horror Movie 101 List?
I`m leading a group of freshman in their first film project of the year: a short horror movie. I`m trying to come up with some questions that they (as first time horror movie makers) might ask. I thought it`d be helpful to collect all these questions on a handout, answer them, and then distribute the handouts to the class so that they can use the handout answers in order to better their horror short movies.

Some I`ve come up with:

1) How do you film someone in front of a mirror without the camera being seen for those cliche moments where the character is the only one in the mirror, opens the mirror, closes it, and bam! killer is there with him/her.
2) how to make the most realistic ‘fake’ blood?
3) sounds effects – i heard you can use foods like celery to make a bone breaking sound effect. true? are there any other kinds of sound effect tricks?

^^ I don`t need answers to the questions above. Just more questions that might come up before they go out to shoot their movies.

Best answer:

Answer by Ars Magica
1. How do you film action close-ups (stabbing, hitting) without interfering with the action?
2. How do you film POV shots of actors falling or running toward the camera?
3. When is it best to use a mask over make-up?
4. Who is responsible for the safety of the cast and crew during stunts and how can it be best protected?
5. How do you light night scenes and still make it look dark and shadowy?
6. What is the best method to a create safe glass substitute?
7. How is film speed and screen action related?
8. How do you move branches and other stationary items without showing strings, etc. on film?
9. How long should an average shot take to film as opposed to set-up?
10. Ambition is hard to control so what tricks and tools help keep the film on budget?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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