Hagel calls bullsh*t on Senator Hutchison & McCain & …

… and Senator Joe Lieberman, and Senator John McCain and Senators Inhofe, Kyl, Lott, Craig, Hatch, Stevens, Bond & Cochran, not to mention the Senate Leadership of both parties – Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell. Chuck Hagel on the floor of the Senate exposing the hypocrisy of Senators who claim the Warner non-binding resolution is “unprecedented”, “ambiguous”, “inconsistent”. Hagel shows that many of the Senators making these claims supported and sponsored similar resolutions when Clinton was President. This video was featured in my blog post, where you will find back-up citations and links for the assertions in the video: westanddivided.blogspot.com This is a follow-up to other video contributions: Lost in Translation – Senate Edition www.youtube.com and Chuck Hagel on what the Senate is about: www.youtube.com

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