Guaranteed Top Search Engine Ranking – Why the front page ranking is just the start to online success


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Guaranteed Top Search Engine Ranking – Why the front page ranking is just the start to online success

For those working online the first challenge is to find a strategy to get guaranteed top search engine ranking, if you cannot do that you may as well never start the business but having done that the work is only just begun.  Once you have your visitor on your site as you must now sell your visitors something they want and create a business that they will want them to return to.  With this in mind here are some ideas on the content management of your website.


The Internet is designed to be changing and dynamic.  People who visit your website want to see content that is new and filled with ideas and business promotions.  If


people visit your website and don’t see new content on a frequent basis they’ll think that your site is stagnant and has been abandoned without any customer service there for them to rely on.  The home page of your website is one of the most important aspects of your online marketing strategy.  It’s the content of your home page that gives your business a brand.  The more useful and professional the information on your home page is the more credit you bring to your product or service.


The Internet is one of the best places for consumers to find out about new products and services.  This places the net above television, radio, magazines, and newspapers.  When you use the Internet to promote your product or service you have the opportunity to reach a multitude of potential customers anywhere at any time.  The web is one of the most powerful mediums


for reaching and influencing people and the decisions they make about business. 


Components of Good Content


One of the key ingredients to success on the Internet is creating website content that Internet users want to read.  When you have content that is (1) interesting, (2) factual, and (3) well written, you have some of the main tools that you need to get the desired traffic to your online website.  


Writing Decisions:  When you first start writing content for your website you’ll find yourself facing many decisions before you even sit down at the keyboard or pick up a pen.  As you begin to develop the content on your website pages you’ll find that you’re often changing many of your first instinct decisions.  This is all part of the process of writing.  But how can you most efficiently sort out all you need to


think about so that you develop website content that users want to read?


It’s important that you find out what it is that Internet users are looking for on the Internet so that you can focus your website content on these issues.  Take some time to study at the top hits in the search engines for products or services that are similar to what you’re selling.  Even though these top ranked websites are most likely using Search Engine Optimization techniques you can still read what it is that they’re using to draw in the crowd.  Take some of these concepts and include them in the flow of your web content….but ONLY if these concepts enhance what you’re writing and are entirely relevant to the products or services that you’re selling. 


Keep in mind that although one website may be at the top of the search engine


rankings today, it won’t take them long to fall back into the ranks of “mediocre websites”.  Websites that rely on SEO techniques don’t give people the information that they’re looking for to keep them coming back.  How many times have you yourself searched a topic in a search engine only to find that the top hit is filled with articles and web content that has nothing to do with what the website is all about?


People who use the Internet are looking for one or more of the following components:


Entertainment Information Community issues


If your website provides at least one of these components you’re on your way to attracting potential customers and repeat customers.  Websites that contain valuable content not only bring credit to your business but also position your company as an expert in your business industry. 


Keeping your website fresh with new content doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task.  Just as there are cost effective ways to your guaranteed top search engine ranking, there are also very cost-efficient and time-saving techniques you can take advantage of to keep your website up to date at all times…without having to hire hundreds of people to help you!


Create dynamic content for your visitors


One way that you can have an ever changing home page is to design five to ten unique pages and then rotate them every month.  Take a couple of weeks to design different ideas for your home page.  Create random page promotions that include a message that is timeless or that have seasonal images with announcements such as “Holiday Specials”.  When you design different features for you home page all at one time you’re forced to look at your


marketing strategy for at least one year.  This will save you a lot of time since you then won’t have to think about your home page content for about 12 months.  A web developer can put your home pages on a rotating script or use an automatic timer.  You can then rotate your home pages to highlight a new tip every month or to promote a featured product. 


The home page of your website is much like the front cover of a magazine.  People want to see a home page that has different photos and content at least every month.  You won’t want all of the content of your website to be featured on the home page as this will overwhelm your website visitors.  Choosing one or two features to highlight each month is much more effective.  The rest of your website content should be well organized within the rest of the pages of your site.  When you’re ready to


update your home page all you have to do is grab content from other web pages.  This way you’re not always having to create new content but are reorganizing your current content so that people think it’s new.


There is no doubt that will effort and the right search engine strategies are can have guaranteed top search engine ranking, the next step is to ensure that your visitors are clear about what you can offer them once they arrive on your site.  Unique content that changes will keep them coming back for more but only if you communicate your message and offer well.  For those who believed that simply being on the front page of google was the way to untold riches are going to be disappointed. 



David Marshall is an expert in search engine strategies and has been in business online since 1997. To find out how you can get to the top of google easily click here guaranteed top search engine ranking

You can sign up for his newsletter and free ebooks on internet marketing strategies here
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