Grade Schooler Faq


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pick up my little…

Why is my son on the shorter side?
My husband is 6’2 and I am 5’7. On both sides of our family they are all tall except for possibly 2 or 3. He has always been on the shorter side and I took him to an endocrinologist when he be about 2 and they said he was fine there is nil wrong with his…

Why is my son so loud??WHAT TO DO?
Thats’s just the way some kids are. My little brother is the same course. Put him in time out. If he whisper tell him your going to take away one of his favorite toys. If he continues, take the toy. But put it somewhere he can see it but can;t catch it. Remind him that…

Why is my son so small & skinny?
everyone is different. My kids are thoroughly small as well, nothing to worry going on for they still have a lot of growing to

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