Goin’ to That Penthouse in the Sky

The Incredible Hulk
jobs in movie making
Image by Roscoe Van Damme (In Memory of Maureen)
This version of the Hulk was much, much, much better than the 2003 version with Eric Bana. It had a more serious tone and was less cartoonish. Marvel Studios is 2 movies into making their own (the other being Iron Man) and they’re doing a great job. I’m sure if the others such as X-Men and Spiderman were also made by Marvel they would have been much better.

It was fun seeing Edward Norton in this sort of role cause it seems out of place for him but he did a good job as did the rest of the cast.

Goin’ to That Penthouse in the Sky
Each day, Inc.’s reporters scour the Web for the most important and interesting news to entrepreneurs. Here’s what we found today: Penthouse founder dies. He loved women and had a unique way of showing it. Bob Guccione, founder of Playboy’s raunchier counterpart Penthouse, died yesterday at the age of 79, the New York Times reports . Guccione used a $ 1,170 loan in 1965 to get started in London …
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APP-ONLY: Player evaluations: did some good things, need to get better
If you’ve ever listened to an Andy Reid press conference, you know that the very highest praise he’s likely to give out is that someone “did some good things” and most damning criticism is that he “needs to get better.” In honor of the head coach, then, here is our own assessment of who fits into those categories.
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‘Sadosexual’ killer Williams gets 2 life sentences
Soon to be ex-Col. Russell Williams was given two life sentences Thursday for horrific crimes he admitted “traumatized” many. Williams will not be eligible for parole for 25 years.
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