Gmod 11 Tutorial: Moviemaking tips

This is about moviemaking tips and tricks. Nothing too fancy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The creators behind The Sims 2 and fellow movie makers give you an inside look into the movie making world. I strongly recommend this for those just starting out, or for those who want to learn how to make their own machinima films. I learned a few tips and tricks from this myself! It’s extremely helpful, and even interesting. Be sure to pause and rewind on parts you think you need to brush up on; I need to work on my background scenery myself. xD!!! Enjoy! I got this from The Sims 2’s official website. (thesims2 dot com.) Also, if there’s something else you don’t see in here that you think would be helpful, please post a video of it and make a response. I wanna see your ideas! 😀 Also, this is from The Sims 2 deluxe edition, in other words, The Sims 2 + Nightlife. If you don’t have TS2 yet, GET DELUXE EDITION. It saves you some money, and you get one of the best expansion packs EA has ever released in your game. c: Top it off with Seasons and you should be quite content for a few months. xD I know I am. A suggestion from me: Don’t use the sound! I’ll post a video response of a video with sound enabled, and a video without it.

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