Getting Started in Network Marketing


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Getting Started in Network Marketing

I want to talk to explain to you guys a little bit about how to get started fast with your network marketing opportunity using your warm market. This is how I built a team of over 1000 people in my first 6 months in my first and only network marketing company.

Everybody has a different way to work their business. You’ve got to find out what’s right for you, but no matter what you do, the fastest way to grow your organization right off the bat and I don’t care what anybody tells you about online and cold market, the fastest way is going to be your warm market. As you get good at warm market selling you can then start experimenting with online marketing. It does work but will take time and a lot of training, I often ask people if they are willing to fail at online networking for 3-6 months to be able to start being successful at it? If you are, by all


means go for it.

You need to learn how to work your warm market before you can get online because if you can’t share your concept with your friends, your family and other people you know, how are you going to share it with people online. That’s how excited you have to be about what you’re doing and if you’re not excited and you don’t want to go show your friends and family, you’re in the wrong industry. I’ll give you a clue about the first people you should show, they are the last ones you want to show! The most successful people, business minded people. They always get the concept and if they are not interested they at least praise you for going after it and might even help you our.

So, the way I got started fast, well, I shouldn’t say that, I got started slow-the first month in the business, I was falling on my face, I couldn’t get anybody to sign up


for what we were doing and I decided I needed to learn how to do it, I saw a ton of people being successful at it so I started hanging out with some of the top people in the area to see what they’re doing because they must be doing something differently. So I started going to their trainings and learning the skills and it took me a couple of weeks to really learn the skills, but the skills were basically learning how to invite somebody to see your opportunity. Sounds crazy but think about it, if your friend calls you and starts to explain to you this great product and how you need to order it and get all your friends to buy and sell it because we are all going to make a ton of money because all our friends go under us. You would not do it either! Learn how to show someone properly and see the whole plan!

There are many ways to show people. You can show them through


company DVDs, you can go to somebody’s house, pop a DVD in their DVD player and watch it on TV with them. You can go online. I mean, every network marketing company now has online presentations, so call your friend and have them watch it on there computer from there own home. Get them on a conference call with your leaders and hear all the success stories and excitement, pick them up and bring them to a local meeting. Go do meetings with your business partners. With technology the possibilities are becoming endless. Whatever you do, Do Not and I mean DO NOT, Email people links, post your websites all over your social media sites or hand out flyers. Ask yourself this when your about to do something, is what i’m about to do a way that I can make some fast cash without putting in any effort? Trust me, if these methods worked everyone would be doing them!

If they like


what they see and they’re asking a lot of questions, use three-way calls. Get some of the leaders on the line, so they can answer some questions for them, that’s probably the best advice you could ever get. Use three-way calls and have more testimonials.

The more testimonials that these people hear, the more likely they’re going to do what you’re doing, but the bottom line is, if they’re interested and they don’t sign up, schedule another meeting, get them to another meeting and get them to a live event. Most people need to be asked; an on average of three to four times before they make a decision with anything. So remember that.

The way that we have learned how to build our business with warm market is, we’ve learned how to invite people properly. Get some scripts to use and use them in your own language and be yourself. Don’t try to be somebody that


you’re not, but take a script and rearrange it, however you want, but all of the bases are the same. They’re all basically the same concept when you’re inviting.

Online marketing is powerful! But I’ll tell you what, it took me six months to actually work myself online before I even made a dollar. It takes a long time to learn, unless you’re with the right system. If your looking for an online system to build your business visit my website, the system I use helped me generate income online within a week.
Just remember, the skills you will learn when using your warm market you will also use when you work on a cold market.

If you liked how to use warm market marketing,you will probably like some of my other articles at

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