Flight 93 Crashes into Camp David! (PART-1)

Please go to Part-2: www.youtube.com …for the remaining four (4) minutes of this full length video that shows the first images of the SCEDULED IMPLOSION of WTC7 and an illustration to evidence the manner in which the FIRST ‘original’ Pearl Harbor achieved full occupation and acquisition of the Pacific… and the ‘resistance’ to the German Nazi’s provided an ALLIANCE to accomplish the same in Europe… the primary steps necessary to the supplemental steps that today bring us that much closer to the NEW WORLD ORDER… coming SOON to a Country near you! As a medically retired Fire Captain, Training Officer, Fire Investigator, Fire Prevention Officer and Hazardous Materials Specialist INSTRUCTOR [To teach firefighters to consider the unthinkable, “Who might I SAVE if I do NOTHING!?!”] …who has had both the lives of those who relied heavily on me for competent, prudent direction as we all risked our lives for the very lives we committed ourselves to SAVE! …the events of 911 affected me in ways few outside the fire service will likely ever understand. Every First Responder learns in the moments of extreme STRESS, though we may EXPERIENCE every detail of an event, we are only able to fully comprehend and interact with what our minds are PREPARED to deal with and thus able to process. Children are the prime example, but emergency personnel must WORK to break this natural ‘Tunnel-Vision’ reaction AFTER regular and repeat exposure to high levels of STRESS which in turn makes
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