Few good men in Indian politics part-1

The first part of the speech starts with good things about functioning democracy, 1979 emergency, political freedom, unelected vs. elected, unaccountable vs. accountable, politics and criminality, defection to party, fractious politics, will state funding for elections work etc. Jayaprakash Narayan, a physician, joined public administration after making it to IAS in 1980 standing all India second. He worked on agriculture, irrigation, technology and youth rehabilitation projects in various capacities in various districts of Andhra pradesh. He had an eventful 16-year-long career in the government. Some of his achievements include : Led rehabilitation of 8000 youth from displaced families of the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. Designed the reconstruction of drainage and irrigation network in Krishna, Prakasham and Godavari deltas. He successfully mobilized the farmers on a large scale to take up irrigation schemes to bring two lakh acres came under irrigation. Strengthened the credit cooperatives and making them independent of government control. Served as Secretary to both Governor and Chief Minister NT Ramarao of Andhra Pradesh. He also had several major policy initiatives to his credit. Empowerment of parents in schools. Economic reform and restructuring of AP. Development of the Infocity Hitec city Empowerment of local governments and stakeholders. Law for self-reliant cooperatives (1995).
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