Embattled Weinsteins aim for royal rebound

25/365 when we are brilliant and fast
seven pounds movie script
Image by Jane Rahman
teeth in the grass by iron and wine

i got tagged for sixteen things today, so here goes!

1. i think dead things are pretty ;] ^^
2. almost everything i do has music accompanying it
3. i am learning to play the piano again, currently my favorite song to attempt to play is comptine d’un autre été by yann tiersan
4. ever since i saw "seven pounds" i can’t stop thinking that jelly fish are beautiful.
5. i watch a whole lot of movies. right now i’m really into the genre of war movies! they have every human emotion in them..
6. i’m majoring in child psychology
7. i work as a secretary at a place where i get paid next to nothing, and i’m too nervous to ask for a raise hahah (maybe my boss will accidentally look at this hahah)
8. i love art, every single form of art. every single one
9. someone called me charming once, and i’ve been trying to live up to that ever since ;]
10. the last thing i ever want is a comfortable life, i have absolutely no desire to ‘settle down’
11. i was born in russia, moved to isreal when i was 6 months old, and moved to america when i was five.
12. my favorite movies are ‘the united states of leland’ and ‘all the real girls’ because their scripts are unbelievably beautiful.
13. when i was in the sixth grade my teacher read us a story about a man who was cursed with tattoos and he didn’t know how to get them off and he didn’t know what to do, and the tattoos would move around and tell the future and basically torture him. in the end of the story he finally gets all the tattoo’s off, i’m not sure how i think by dipping his hand into the ocean, and they all come off except for one little bear that is hugging his pinky. when i heard that i decided that i wanted to get a tattoo of a little bear. not on my pinky, but on the bend of my left inner arm. now that i am old enough to do so i can not find the story anywhere, and i really feel like i need to read it again before i get the tattoo. by the way it is not the illustrated man by ray bradbury, i just re read that book to make sure :]
14. i feel like nice words from a harsh person couldn’t mean more
15. i love the rain, i love the way everything looks and smells after the rain and just the way the day feels
16. i’m one of those people who has close to the same new years resolutions every year because i never really do them

that’s long, i’m sorry hahah

Embattled Weinsteins aim for royal rebound
Hollywood loves nothing better than a tale of triumph over adversity.
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